If you need assistance from a staff member while playing, there’s a simple way to call for help directly within the game. Please follow the steps below:
Steps to Call a Moderator:
1. Use the In-Game Command
In the game, open the chat box and type the following command: !mod
This will send a notification to the moderators online, alerting them that you need assistance.
2. Wait for a Moderator to Respond
Once you’ve sent the command, please be patient. Moderators will respond as soon as they are able. Keep in mind that sometimes there might be a backlog of requests.
3. No Moderator Online?
If no moderator is currently available, you can use the Player Report Form on the website to submit your issue. This will ensure that a staff member addresses it as soon as possible.
What Happens Next?
Moderators Will Respond: A moderator will respond to your in-game request and assist with your issue. Depending on the situation, they may ask for more information or take immediate action.
Potential Delays: Sometimes staff calls may build up due to multiple requests. We appreciate your patience while we handle each report thoroughly.
Use the Report a Player Form (If Needed)
If no staff member is available in-game, you can report the issue through our website: Report a Player Form
Need Further Help?
If you’re experiencing ongoing issues or need additional support, you can always contact us through our Discord Support system.